From Idea to Done in 6 Modules


Remember how excited you were when you had your first book idea?

NEW! Linda’s latest book proposal for Beautiful Writers is included.

Beautiful Writers Proposal

… Like love at first sight, the air around you pulsed with possibility. You could see and feel it—your life as an author.

Perhaps gratitude enveloped you. All the crap you’d overcome—the trauma/drama; the are-you-kidding-me stories your friends recite, the wisdom they call you for at midnight—it would all be worth it.


Your mess would become the message you’d share with the world.


In that fleeting moment, you saw the vision … You were passionately committed: This time you would finally write that book! And then you find out you’re supposed to write something called a Book Proposal—the detailed business plan literary agents and publishers MUST have before they offer you representation or a publishing deal.

Come again? Isn’t writing the book hard enough? 

I know. I thought so, too.

But once you get over the shock, it can be a relief to learn that you don’t have to deliver the whole thing upfront. Script a proposal and some sample chapters, and with any luck, a publisher will advance you money to finish it. To prevent others from signing you first, they might even throw big bucks your way in a pre-empt or a bidding war.

To quote Will Ferrell (aka Ricky Bobby) from Talledega Nights: “Dear Lord Baby Jesus!”?

(He also said, “We thank you so much for this bountiful harvest of Dominos, KFC, and the always delicious Taco Bell,” but I digress.)

If this is such good news, why do I feel so overwhelmed?

In your quiet moments, you’re uncertain, maybe even scared. You feel yourself losing faith, energy, and momentum. You start to wonder if you’re just one of the millions of people who say they want to write a book but never will.

Other new authors get published. What if someone else releases “your” book first? (Been there!) It all seems so arbitrary, so unfair, so out of your control.

Or, let’s say you’ve actually done the work and still got rejected. What then? Can you trust literary agents when they tell you it’s not going to happen—that you’re not famous enough, not fresh enough, that your pitch doesn’t “wow”?

After using Linda’s Book Proposal Magic course, I sent my query out to agents and had SIX requests for the proposal within twelve hours! I now have TWO AGENTS—one at Trident Media in New York for one book, and a London agent for another book. I couldn’t be happier!

Natasha Khullar Relph, Journalist

Joy Is My Justice“I’ve known I had a book brewing within me for so long, it felt so deeply etched in my bones. But I needed Linda’s thorough, clear step-by-step course to bring it to life. Her course propelled me forward every step and now I have a proposal that feels like magic! And the best part is writing the proposal helped steer my overall book in a way I could never have imagined. Linda promised me that but I didn’t believe her until I took the plunge and did it! I sent my proposal to four dream agents, landed one of them within hours and now my book is in a bidding war with publishers! I couldn’t be more excited!” [From Linda: Tanmeet’s book, Joy Is Justice, sold to Hachette. Congrats, Tanmeet!]

Tanmeet Sethi, MD; Integrative Physician, TEDxSpeaker and Activist, author of Joy Is Justice, Hachette Go, 2023


Should you believe the “experts” over what your heart knows?

Should you let your dreams die when the honeymoon phase ends?

Not if I have anything to say about it!

If you have the ache, you have what it takes.

Even if you have no degree or fame. I’ve seen it over and over—writers get published who have no “business” dreaming so big. Life can be magical like that. But no one can say yes to your book if it’s not on their desk.

Hi! I am so glad you found me. I’m Linda Sivertsen (aka “Book Mama”). I’m a bestselling author and host of the top-rated Beautiful Writers Podcast. I’ve been obsessively writing and selling books and their book proposals for twenty-five years, and have helped countless writers like you land traditional book deals.

And guess what? Most of them did not have big platforms. You probably have more “likes” and followers on social media than they did. What they had was a passion, persistence, and a willingness to take the steps. What they had was a plan.

I’m about to share that plan with you—my entire blueprint in an online course over 6 modules. Long enough to change your life. Short enough for the stubbornest commitment-phobes. With my favorite strategies, new insider info (and proposal samples!), recorded celebrity author bonus interviews (created just for this course), and downloads, we’ll get you hip fast, and shortcut your process to the finish line. You have a lot to say. And the world desperately needs your words. Like yesterday already. (You’ve seen how things are going out there, right?!)

Here’s what I want you to have after taking this course:

  • A finished book proposal that you and industry veterans LOVE (a godsend in marketing your book, even if you decide to self-publish).
  • A Query Letter that has agents and publishers begging to see your work. And the knowledge of how to find them, pitch them, and land them!
  • Reconnection to your WHY and your mission.
  • Clarity about your book and how to get ‘er done.
  • Grounded enthusiasm: BIG plans with realistic action steps.
  • Certainty around self-publishing vs. traditional (and, if it’s a deal you want, knowing how to find and connect with the right agents).
  • Resources to carry you through the writing, selling, publishing, and marketing process.
  • The peace and giddy joy of realizing one of your greatest goals (before another year whizzes by, don’tcha know).?

Call me a magical thinker. I have spent most of my life living on the “left coast.” The sunny one. The one where you merely have to decide which reality to call your own. Dreamers like us get our butts kicked wherever we live, of course. But when it comes to dreams, I’ve got stars in my eyes. Nothing clouds my vision when it comes to what you can accomplish.

Don’t tell me you can’t do this. I’m a college dropout who put six commas in every sentence and went on to write, co-author, and ghostwrite eleven books (two New York Times bestsellers) and 40 magazine articles. My books have won awards, made headlines, and put me on national TV. I’ve met deadlines at the foot of my parents’ death beds; written regularly in the middle of the night as a fulltime mom, and delivered chapters to Simon & Schuster AND Hyperion from the fetal position after learning that my then-husband of 19 years was in love with someone else. I’ve dropped one of the biggest agents in the biz (without a backup plan) because I wanted to feel more of a heart connection. I walked away from the best book deal of my life b/c the publisher wouldn’t print the book on recycled paper & soy inks (3 weeks later, they agreed… phew!). I’ve written for divas and superstars, and the humblest spiritual love bugs. And my faith in self-help was severely tested when I was hired to (and did) pen a NYT bestseller with a popular teacher who ended up going to prison.

Good grief, have I learned a few things. Most importantly, about rejection.

My dogs and I eat rejection for breakfast.  In our house, when the universe or some VIP publishing exec says, “No,” we get scrappy. And creative. Take Becky’s example …

“Linda Sivertsen is my angel! I’d already written a proposal but was ready to ditch it because agents told me there was no market for it–that helping people make the best choices regarding eldercare (the topic of my work and book) was easily done online. Linda refused to believe that, telling me that our aging population made this book unique and timely. She saw my heartbreak and wouldn’t let me give up. She quickly polished my proposal to make it stronger, introduced me to a great agent, who immediately wanted it, and celebrated with me when it sold. I can’t express how much Linda changed my life or how much she means to me.”

Becky Feola, author of The Eldercare Consultant, AMACON Books–Winner of multiple awards, including the prestigious Nautilus book award in 2017

 Your Big Beautiful Book Plan

The one thing nearly every one of my published clients has in common is that they followed “Your Big Beautiful Book Plan,” a multi-media digital guide I created with bestselling author Danielle LaPorte (an OWN SuperSoul 100 Trailblazer). Danielle and I have sold thousands of copies of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan since 2011 (at $150 apiece). We packed our Big Beautiful Baby with the best intel from our combined thirty-five years in the book bizbreaking it down, making the seemingly impossible do-ablewith excerpts from twenty of our bestselling friends who graciously shared their tightly guarded book proposals. 

And it’s BIG. Only some people want to navigate those steps solo. In thinking about how to support writers through the steps Danielle and I had outlined, I was inspired to create this course. Of course, Your Big Beautiful Book Plan is included as a bonus when you sign up. We follow the outline of the best parts of YBBBP, with a ton of NEW current and cutting-edge strategies, samples, resources, and teachings. While the information in Your Big Beautiful Book Plan is timeless, the videos and updated proposal samples in Book Proposal Magic (including my recent proposal for Beautiful Writers!) supercharge your book proposal experience. 

Never underestimate the power of bite-sized “deadlines” to help you stay focused on what you say matters most … your BOOK.

In total, you get the Map. The Secret Knock, Word, and Handshake. Everything but the T-shirt.

“I was stuck in the mire of being halfway done with my book proposal, and Your Big Beautiful Book Plan rescued me. Linda & Danielle are like the best wise fairy godmothers a writer could want. The depth of the program reassured me that I was on track, and their honey-we’ve-been-there-insights saved me hours of wasted time ‘chasing rabbits.’ I got a book deal with the first and only publisher I submitted to (New World Library)! Your Big Beautiful Book Plan gave me clarity, encouragement, and the solid information I needed exactly when I needed it most. When I was a little girl, I loved books so much that I wanted to grow up to be a writer; Your Big Beautiful Book Plan helped make that dream come true.”

Samantha Bennett, author of Get It Done, and Start Right Where You Are

I’m also including all sorts of bonuses to catapult your results (see below).

Go the book proposal distance with me. I LOVE this stuff and aspire to make you laugh & believe again. Previously recorded Q & A calls from the live version of this recent program present every question imaginable, and give you invaluable insider know-how. New proposal tips, strategies, and samples will be a B12 shot to your brainstorming brilliance.

I can’t wait to be your guide through this maze, to shortcut your process from newbie to insider.

I’m a writer, just like you. My books talk to me all day long. Outside of my busy virtual and Carmel writing retreats, I rarely teach. Every once in a while, I give a keynote on publishing. Or, speak on a larger stage (like this one on the right, from TEDWomen). Mostly, however, I’m promoting my latest book, writing the next one, or hanging with my fam. Yet, every four or so years, I feel the need to better support my community and that’s when I teach this course.

About the one-on-one sessions!

While my calendar allows, I’m offering an upgrade option—one-on-one consulting sessions. These are 90 minutes long: 45 minutes of prep, where I look at everything you’ve got and research you and your market. Plus, 45 minutes talking face to face. The power of meeting online and looking into each other’s eyes can’t be measured. Sometimes, we figure out more in fifteen minutes than you’ve been able to nail down for years. Books speak to me—pretty much hourly. I’m weird like that.

Book your session soon or wait until you’ve crafted your proposal. Your consult session does not expire.

“Linda is pure magic. With her rare combination of keen editorial insight, unparalleled knowledge of the industry and relentless optimism, she’s the kind of writing coach and friend a writer can only dream of. She’s also a little psychic – only a few days before my debut novel MIRROR IN THE SKY was picked up by Razorbill/Penguin, she sent me a text with a picture of the perfume Terra Nova, the original title of my manuscript. ‘Found this in my bureau today,’ she said. ‘It’s gonna happen soon!’ And, of course, it did.”

Aditi Khorana, author of Mirror in the Sky and Library of the Fates

“We call Linda the ‘Author Whisperer’ because of her seemingly magical ability to uncover the book in a person that wants to be written–often before they’ve even seen it… When I look back on my career as a top book publicist, literary agent, author of eleven books, and sister of bestselling author Debbie Ford, the one person I’d call my literary soulmate is Linda Sivertsen. Whether editing one of my books, recommending writing books that transformed my work, or sharing a technique or story with me that altered my thinking, it’s Linda who has had the biggest influence on my writing career.”

Arielle Ford, bestselling author of The Soulmate Secret and Make Your Mate Your Soulmate, & former book publicist for 13 #1 New York Times bestsellers (including for Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, and Neale Donald Walsch)

Wine Witch on Fire“Linda’s Book Proposal Magic course helped me to land a deal with one of Canada’s largest publishers [Natalie is Canadian; the specifics work for any country]. Her course is based on years of wisdom and experience. In particular, I love the ongoing monthly calls, even after my deal was signed. Linda shares great tips about launching and marketing books, as well as practical advice about running a business as an author.

“If Linda’s course were a wine, it would be full-bodied, complex and layered. The regular course calls would be a lip-smacking dessert wine to cap off a satisfying feast. Score: 99 points out of 100.”

Natalie MacLean, International bestselling author of Red, White and Drunk All Over and her memoir, Wine Witch on Fire: Rising from the Ashes of Divorce, Defamation and Drinking Too Much


 6 Modules to Done

Book Proposals are a BIG deal and an even bigger document. (I’ve seen them come in anywhere between 20-120 pages with sample chapters. As an example, summarizing 30 chapters could take 15-30+ pages alone!) There’s a lot to include. But rest easy. We’re breakin’ it dowwwwn. Section by section. You’ll look back and say, “Whoa! I did all that?! That was easier than I thought!” Trust yourself. And, your muse.

Okay, here’s your quickyloo. By no means is this all we cover.

Module 1

  • First. We’re going to chat about your WHY. Get you reconnected to the magic of what inspired this journey. Starting here will help the rest fall into place.
  • A brief look at the difference between self-publishing & traditional—and the benefits of working with a literary agent. (PS. And, why you want a proposal, even if you print this book baby in your kitchen and act as your own publicist.)
  • Titles, as in main and sub. What’s in a good title, anyway? And how do you come up with one? There’s a method to this madness. And it’s FUN!
  • Your Proposal Cover page: To design or not to design (the answer to this has changed)? Plus, what to include if you’re sending your proposal to an agent vs. when an agent is sending it out on your behalf. With beautiful samples, of course.
  • The Hook Page: This is my favorite part (other than the Query, which we cover last). Several agents tell me they love the Hook Pages my clients create, and they don’t know why more writers don’t use them. Rockin’ samples included.
  • Proposal Table of Contents: A must-have! Sounds simple and it is. But there are still key things to know, like how this differs from your book Table of Contents—and where and when to use them both.

Expert Bonus

MP3 interview: Kelly Noonan Gores—writer, director, producer, and star of the award-winning HEAL documentary and book of the same name—and I talk about how she stayed connected to her WHY during every step of undertaking the dream project of her life. Kel has been a dear friend of mine for years, and I can attest to the fact she’s MAGIC, and her bigger-than-life thinking can’t help but rub off. Prepare to be inspired.

Module 2

  • Overview: Not every proposal has a designated Hook page, but all proposal have an Overview section that hooks the reader. Intrigued? Good. Stand by! This section is critical, and so often feared. But, remember, I LOVE this stuff and have GREAT new samples for you to go along with our timeless treasures from Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. (As I have for all of our sections.)
  • About the Author: If they–meaning agents and editors–fall in love with you and your topic, you’re more likely to land a book deal. Makes sense, right? Who wants to sign and work with and promote someone they don’t adore? I’ve got a lot to say about how to help make them go starry-eyed for you and your project.
  • Market: While it’s tempting to say that EVERYONE needs your book (of course they do!), I’ll share better, influential ways to list who your readers will be and why they’re already waiting for you. Much better.
  • Before we go too deeply into this course, I want to cover topics I get asked about most frequently. Things like how to steal time and create structure when you’re already crazy busy; newbie writing mistakes to avoid; whether or not to finish the book before you go to sell it; when to hurry and when to take your time; what comes first–writing the book or concentrating on the proposal? And, of course, I answer loads of questions in the Q & A recording. 

Expert Bonus

MP3 interview: The “GREAT” Terry McMillan is HERE! Great is what O magazine recently called the author of 10 or 11 novels (Terry’s lost count), and I couldn’t agree or love her more. Terry’s a dear friend and recorded this interview for us, just for this course. I know you’ll find her to be an extraordinary teacher (no surprise, she’s a tenured professor). As the author of the modern classics Waiting to Exhale, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, and other mega-sellers, Ter has lots to share in this Bonus MP3 about how to HOOK your readers from the first paragraph of everything you write (a proposal, book, you name it). And how to know who makes up your MARKET and how to deliver to them time and time again. (There are plenty of laughs and a few swear words, too!)

Module 3

  • Marketing, PR & Media: Having done LOTS of media promotion for my projects over the years—and watching my clients and podcast interviewees in the media all the time, I’ve constantly got this topic on the brain. I spill my latest tips & tricks for making it WORK in a big way. For instance, in the Q & A, I share a technique I used to get The New York Times to write a funny, awesome review of an app I created. And how I sold an article to the Los Angeles Times when the New York Times turned it down. Also included: the time I used a press release I made myself (which I’ll show you) to get booked on the #1 drivetime radio show in New York. Fun client stories will convince you that media (including online promotion) is oh-so-important and can be infinitely easier to get than you think.
  • Platform, Platform, Platform: This includes all the ways we’re seen and heard and read in the world, including speaking, seminars, and RETREATS. Having been a part of dozens of bestsellers and hit campaigns for myself and my clients, and running one of the most successful retreat businesses for writers in the world, I’ve been there/seen that. I had to remember to breathe so I didn’t pass out trying to get it all out in our two hours. Om.
  • Promotion Secrets & Press Release sneak peeks from some of my bestselling buddies and podcast guests.

Expert Bonus

MP3 interview: Kate Northrup—bestselling author and marketing expert, AND one of my favorite people in life and online. In an interview for this course, we discuss the most common rookie marketing errors new writers make, and how to avoid them. Plus, our favorite tips for courting good fortune with the media (even if you’re a homebody who lives in your jammies; you, too?). Yet to experience even 5 of your “promised” 15 minutes of fame? You’re doin’ just fine. We all start somewhere.

Module 4

This class is GOLD. I walk us through powerhouse novelist Tosca Lee’s entire book proposal for her bestselling dystopian thriller, The Line Between (currently optioned for a TV series). Tosca is the rare novelist who gets paid big bucks to release 1-2 novels a year. I’m elated to call her a friend and can hardly believe she’s given us this masterfully written jewel. (Valuable for non-fiction authors, too!) Download the proposal and audio tutorial, and follow along as Tosca shares her thoughts on many things. Book categories. Query letters. Submitting to agents. Log-lines. Elevator pitches. HOOKS. The overview, testimonial, market, and word count & delivery sections are fleshed out. Are you writing a series? Say so. Do you have co-authors? Who are they? She covers character, hype (don’t!), and what a great Synopsis entails. Phew. Use her samples to inform your own. She’s generous like that.

Expert Bonus

MP3 interview: Tosca LeeNew York Times bestselling fiction (thriller) author in conversation with me, only for this course, shares the juicy details of her multiple series book deals, book-to-TV deals, and experiences writing book proposals for fiction. Tosca believes ALL fiction writers must have proposals these days and explains why. Have you heard otherwise? Even Elizabeth Gilbert writes proposals for her novels, as she recently explained on my podcast (which I excerpted for Beautiful Writers) about her proposal for City of Girls. Tosca is a uniquely abundant author with a priceless perspective—contracted for one or two books EVERY year. You’re going to love the fiction proposal she generously SHARES with us. I get thank you’s all the time. Swoon!

Module 5

  • Competition: You may not have any competition (because you’re that fabulous), but we’ll outline what agents and editors need to know, so you’ll be positioned in the best of company. Being a first of a kind can make you appear too risky, and being one of a million ain’t gonna cut it. I’ve got lots of suggestions for making you stand out and look like the sure thing you are.
  • Spin-off books/Series: Most people have ideas about what they could write NEXT. At least in their mind or heart. The agent and editor are going to want to sniff out your future. When do you list these ideas, and how? We’ll cover it. Including the “two-book deal” question. (See below MP3 interview.)
  • Legalities: Are you allowed to write about other people? How and when? I’m not a lawyer, and you might need one. But I do have experience and some wild stories. Not everyone needs this section, but for those who do, it’s vital!
  • Delivery of the Manuscript: In a rush and want the publisher to hurry? Need lots of time, and want them to be patient? What’s the norm, and how do you state what works for you down on the page, so you get what you need.
  • Book Table of Contents: They need to see the lay of the land, y’all. Help them envision your book’s world. If they can’t see it, they won’t buy it.
  • Chapter Summaries: How long is too long? How concise is too concise? There’s an art to this, and it works. And it may not be what you’ve heard before … 

Expert Bonus

MP3 interview:  Literary agent Betsy Amster + bestselling author and all-around queen of questions, Samantha Bennett, in an insider’s look at what agents are looking for (and what you should look for in them!). I have a particular fondness for agents like Betsy who used to work in publishing as a book editor and therefore know this world from both sides. (Before opening her agency in 1992, Betsy spent ten years as an editor at Pantheon and Vintage and two years as editorial director of the Globe Pequot Press.) Recorded initially for the Expert Series in my membership community, Beautiful Writers Group, you’ll feel as if you’re having coffee with two publishing veterans—with invaluable wisdom.

Module 6

  • Sample Chapters: Like me, who lunges for dessert, some agents and editors will skip the entire meal of your proposal and go straight to your sugary samples. Others will only get this far if they’re fully satisfied with what they’ve read so far. You can’t know. But you do need to know how to dazzle their taste buds with this, the meat of your proposal. (Oh, God. Did I just mix cake and flesh?) We cover how many chapters to include for the different genres, and the best way to present them, so they’re, mmm, delicious.
  • Query Letter: Now that you’ve got your proposal scripted, it’s time to craft your Query Letter for agents. These babies used to scare the crap out of me, but not anymore! Since I live for RESULTS, I’ve learned to LOVE creating them with the end in mind. This is where all your initial power is. If it’s well written, odds are they’ll call or email you quickly. As in the same day, or just a few. Not written well? Crickets. Gratefully, a few of my clients are sharing their recent incredible examples. They’re hot and will help you pitch yourself like a pro. And, just like your bigger proposal, they make everything easier. Your agent will likely use your query—or some version of it—to pitch editors at publishing houses. And then, once you have a book deal, your editor will share it with the sales team to use when pitching bookstore buyers. And the PR team will use it to pitch the Today show. See where I’m going with this? This piece of art will make the rounds for quite some time. You’re spinning gold, loves. Sprinkled with diamonds. Sparkling for years to come.
  • Agents: They hold the keys, these power players. Get you in the door. Lit agents make sure you and your proposal and sample chapters are READY before they submit you to their publishing pals. Then, they’ll hop in your cab (and pay for it!) to join you in your meet-n-greets. Not every writer gets the experience of sitting with publishers face-to-face, but trust me—it’s dang comforting to have your agent by your side when you do. The right literary agent is worth her or his weight in lox and bagels (my fave; wild-caught, with capers!), most def worth your 15%. We’ll cover all my best tips for connecting with them and making it a love match.
  • Social Media & Closing thoughts. I give you the best of what I’ve got to keep you motivated, no matter where you are in your process. Mindset. Resources. Social Media Platforms. Technology hacks. Prayers (kidding/not kidding). My intention is that you to leave this course on FIRE to realize your publishing dreams. And in the future, I want you to contact me with these words: “Are you sitting down?”

Expert Bonus

My girl, Danielle LaPorte (my co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan) generously shares her creative love here in a 30:28-minute MP3. Sonic Collection: Idea Fairies & Creativity is an audio love-gram from Danielle to you. Eight pieces, designed to stoke your creative fire and fuel your self-expression. Amongst other pearls of wisdom, she talks idea fairies; creativity patterns; tapping into your deep creativity; and how to know when your creation’s finished. Like DONE and ready to be let go. The right words, just when you need them, right where you are. Ahhh. xo 

New Special Bonus: Beautiful Writers Book Proposal

New! With this program, you get a PDF copy of my latest and greatest book proposal for Beautiful Writers: A Journey of Big Dreams & Messy Manuscripts—with Tricks of the Trade from Bestselling Authors. When my agent and I shopped the proposal and sample chapters, several publishers told us that it was one of the best proposals they’d ever seen. All I know is that it led to my dream book and audiobook deals. I’m beyond excited to share the techniques I used and help you envision (and script) your own proposal magic! 

Nov. 14th, 2024! LIVE 2-Hour Training Call with me where we’ll walk through every page of this proposal together! I’ll post the replay of the call in our bonuses section, too.

Special Bonus: Live Monthly Q & A Calls

Join me for LIVE 1-hour Q & A calls, usually on the fourth Thursday of every month at 1:30 pm PT/ 4:30 pm ET. Our participants tell me they love being able to get specific feedback on their writing & publishing experience. All calls are recorded and available for audio download in our call library.

Sign up so you can get started NOW while your book baby is getting all your heart and feels.

See you on the other side!

100% Money-Back Guarantee.

If you’re not satisfied within 7 days of your purchase,

we’ll refund your investment.

Let’s Do This!

Join Now for $800

You get access to the Book Proposal Magic Course including:

A digital download copy of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan

6 Training Modules

6 Previously recorded Q & A Sessions

Monthly LIVE Q & A Sessions

Loads of Handouts + Helpful Resources

Join Now for $2600


You get access to the Book Proposal Magic Course including:

A digital download copy of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan

6 Training Modules

6 Previously Recorded Q & A Sessions

Monthly LIVE Q & A Sessions

Loads of Handouts + Helpful Resources

PLUS a 90-minute consult with Linda (includes 45 minutes of prep, where she looks at everything you’ve got and researches you and your market + a 45-minute chat, where you talk face to face). Sessions do not expire.

You with me? Let’s birth your proposal before life throws you other temptations. Imagine this: It’s the holidays. You run into that bratty, disbelieving family member over the cheese tray. The one who’d always thought, out loud, that you should be doing “more” with your life, whatever that means. Hair toss, hair toss. “I’m great, thanks for asking! Just finished writing my book proposal! You?” (Actually, we LOVE these dream doubters because our visceral reaction to them lets us know exactly what we desire most.)

A few words from past participants:

“I have a Master’s in Creative Writing and can honestly say I learned more about publishing from this 6-module Book Proposal Magic course than I did in two-and-a-half years of grad school. I could write an entire book about what I love about this course. I learned even more than I thought I would. I wish I’d found it and Linda five years ago; I’d be a lot further along!”

Jessica Tomberlin, writer, novelist, educator

“This course is unequivocally the best online course I have ever taken (and I have taken, um…. a lot). The intersection of magic, strategy, and motivation is a potent space, and Linda is the queen of this intersection. I had spent months talking to branding people, coaches, and entrepreneurs, and I felt so lost. But after my one-on-one with Linda, I realized I needed to talk to a REAL WRITER who GETS writers. And not just any real writer who gets writers–HER! Linda’s insight was an extraordinary gift that will reverberate for years to come.

“If you are writing or have finished writing your book, Book Proposal Magic will guide you through the next steps. If you are thinking about writing your book, this course will inspire you to do so. Linda truly is a book mama in every sense of the title—nurturing, wise, masterful, and possessing a unique brand of alchemy that literally brings books into the world. She is the only person I recommend for anyone crafting a book or a book proposal. Equal parts industry maven, experienced instructor, and inspirational force, Linda generously offers her energy, wisdom, and strategy. I was grateful for the detailed guidance in creating an industry-ready proposal, but the course offered a great deal more—expert interviews that were both inspirational and practical and course audios and materials that I continue to return to repeatedly along my writing journey.

“Linda and this beautiful program moved me from stuck to flow and reconnected me with what I was born to do. This gift goes far beyond what I would ever expect from a course and will be one I carry with me for a long time. Thanks, Linda, for this invaluable tool!”

Liz Kimball, creative visionary coach. Tedx Speaker. Founder of The COLLECTIVE

“Linda is the literary Fairy God Sister sprinkling pixie dust over your book proposal. Having gone to her Carmel Writing Retreat and then taken her Book Proposal Magic course online, I can say firsthand that every time we interact, I leave feeling so much clearer and more able and motivated to create my own magic.”

Penelope Patricia Jagessar Chaffer, Sundance Artist in Residence in Partnership with Johns Hopkins University and MIT Research Fellow

BreathtakingIf you’re working on your book proposal, thinking about a book proposal, or even wondering what in the world a book proposal is, Linda Sivertsen’s Book Proposal Magic Course brings clarity and FUN to what’s normally an intimidating process. Writing a memoir about raising a daughter with a rare degenerative disease felt hard enough. But, part practical guide, part inspiration, Linda walks you through every section that agents and publishers expect, making it seem easy through her real-world examples and insider strategies and details I’d never heard anywhere. (And I’d been long searching!)

Linda’s accessible, highly entertaining, and you can tell she LOVES this work. Her infectious big thinking makes you feel like you have an angelic coach, cheerleader, and teammate at your desk. And, it works! I received incredible offers of literary agent representation, not 24-hours after sending queries to my dream agents! I couldn’t be more grateful or excited.” [Update: After several offers, Jessica recently signed her deal!]

Jessica Fein, author of the memoir, BreathTaking: A Memoir of Family, Dreams, and Broken Genes, Behrman Publishing, Spring 2024


“When I retired from my law practice to write, I had no idea how to start. I got on the inter-web and clicked and clicked. I found Linda Sivertsen and signed up for her online seminar, including the one-on-one consultation with Linda. I read YBBBP thoroughly a couple of times and listened to each module of the class twice. Linda reviewed my proposal and query and made some great suggestions. I identified six agents and sent them my query. Three weeks later, I received an offer of representation. I just want to say thanks to Linda and her team, and let you know the process works! I know an offer of representation is not a book deal, but it’s a definite step in the right direction.”

Lori Ann Hellis, author, lawyer, speaker, teacher

“My book was stuck at a crossroads when I booked a consultation with Linda. I’d heard tell of Linda’s legendary instincts, and they weren’t kidding. I ended our session with a clear path forward, confidence in the new direction, and excited to get going. Like any great therapist, Linda makes you feel like you’re coming up with the ideas yourself, even though she’s a total genie. Could we maybe find a way to bottle her intuition and keep it on our desks?”

Alice Williams, journalist, author of Would It Kill You To Say Please?

“Just wanted to give you a big virtual hug to thank you for your first telecourse this week – I’ve been on muse-driven-FIRE ever since!”

Jade Barclay, writer, researcher, speaker. Med Data Nerd

“Dear Linda, Thank you for this amazing course and all the wisdom and skill you are sharing with us. I feel as if this is the piece I’ve been missing all along!”

Dr. Gulara Guliyeva, Professor, Birmingham Law School, UK

“I knew nothing about the book industry. And every mind-gremlin (and real human-being gremlin) told me that getting published would be hard, or even impossible for me. But I followed Your Big Beautiful Book Plan (included in this course) to a T and signed a publishing deal with Beyond Words – Simon & Schuster. Without your plan, I doubt they would have even given me a second glance!”

Katie Silcox, Yogini + author of Healthy Happy Sexy: Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women


“I learned so much from the course, but the real gold is the monthly Q&A sessions. I don’t know how she does it, but somehow Linda knows and loves every book, every person, and she responds to every question personally with insight and expertise. I’ve gotten so much help from Linda through the monthly Q&As, and I’ve learned even more listening to her answer questions from others. I haven’t pitched my book yet, but I know when my time comes I’ll be a better writer for having studied with Linda.”

Diane Reed, producer & marketing consultant


“I love everything about Book Proposal Magic and Linda!!! After working steadily on my book proposal, I found myself plateauing. That’s when I knew I needed to jump into Linda’s Book Proposal Magic program. Best. Choice. Ever! It may sound crazy, but I listened to it all in a week! It’s beyond outstanding, exceeding any expectations! BPM has given me the extra clarity needed to sharpen every aspect of my proposal. Linda’s genuine encouragement, behind-the-scenes sharing, and decades of experience are priceless.

“I also have to add how much I appreciate Linda Sivertsen’s first-class book Beautiful Writers, exceptional Beautiful Writers Podcast and nurturing Beautiful Writers Group. Truly a powerful and magical combination. And just the catalysts I’ve wished for to finally create sustained momentum on my second book that’s been incubating for years. Thank you Linda!”

Mary Allen, MCC
Author of The Power of Inner Choice


You. Me. Your book. On the calendar. Scripting your success.

Think back to when you could first see your book. When the words were flowing, and you had to bite down on your giddy smile so any naysayers around you couldn’t mess with your mission …  

I believe you’ve found me because it’s time to make good on the internal promise you made that day. Time to be there for your book, your muse, your readers—and most importantly, yourself.

I’m excited to take this journey with you. I’m honored to help you birth your creative dreams.

Write on!

About Linda Sivertsen

Linda is a bestselling author and host of the Beautiful Writers Podcast available everywhere (iTunes, I Heart Radio, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts … and streaming on all American Airlines domestic and international seatback entertainment systems). When on book tour, some of the world’s most beloved, bestselling authors come on her show for chats on writing, publishing, deal-making, spirituality, activism, and the art of romancing creativity. These up-close conversations are a fan favorite, downloaded millions of times, and frequently profiled on “Best Podcast” lists (i.e., The Motley Fool’s “10 Best Podcasts for Women”), and on the top Arts & Books pages of iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

Have you read her latest book, Beautiful Writers: A Journey of Big Dreams & Messy Manuscripts—with Tricks of the Trade from Bestselling Authors? So much fun! When she isn’t reading, writing, or podcasting, Linda helps birth book babies at her dreamy writing retreats in Carmel-by-the-Sea (and now virtually). She and her work have appeared in/on CNN, E!, Extra, the NY Post, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Family Circle, Teen Vogue, the Huffington Post,, etc. You can find her blogging over at (named Best of the Web by the Daily Muse). She lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, with her husband and their menagerie of horses and incredibly needy, totally perfect pups.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Here’s some answers … 

I'm such a newbie. Don't I have to have a lot written before crafting a proposal?

I get asked this all the time by potential retreaters who worry they don’t yet have enough clarity, experience, or material to warrant starting on anything related to sales. Surprise! I often prefer working with writers at the start of their writing process. I love saving people time by giving them a crash course in publishing (with loads of writing tips, too). And, the magic of a proposal is that it helps you get hyper-focused about the point of the story you want to tell.

These days we’re all walking brands—like it or not. No matter how shy or quiet we may be, we have to become salespeople, comfortable to market ourselves, and our wares. The proposal writing process is incredibly creative (don’t believe me?—wait until you see all the samples that sold!) and will give you confidence as it helps you understand the business side of publishing better and informs your writing, even for fiction.

As an example, I met a gal who told me that she’d been writing a novel where the protagonist was a chef. Once she learned about marketing strategies in YBBBP, she was inspired to outline an idea for a book signing party at a famous restaurant in the city where her character lived (complete with contacting the media and inviting them to the party). She got all this down on the pages of her proposal and then watched it come alive in real life. Bam. Scripting. Her. Success.

Once you put your mind into that of publishers (and your readers!), thinking like a marketer—which writing a proposal forces you to do—you’ll be better equipped to sprinkle well-placed details throughout your book. The writing of your story and the eventual marketing of it will become more seamless and effective. #magic

How is the course content delivered?

Once you purchase the course, you’ll get access to our members-only website which has all six modules ready for you to dive in. Go at your own pace. You’ll also see suggested reading and/or homework assignments to help you get the most out of the course:).


Do I have lifetime access to the course?

Yes! You have lifetime access, which means until we retire the course, not your lifetime. Ha. But. NO need to feel rushed. We’re here for the long haul. And, we’ll send you an email long before we retire the material. xo 

What forms of payment do you offer?

Pay with any major credit card.

What’s your refund policy?

If within a week you find the course is not right for you, contact our helpful customer service team at for a full refund. That’s right. You get a week to decide. Opt out within 7 days of your course purchase and we’ll refund 100% of your payment.

What kind of books need a proposal?

Pretty much all books: Memoir, history, anthology, comedy, business, self-help, spirituality, cookbook, nutrition, medical, young adult/middle grade, etc.

Not all publishers require full proposals. For instance, a children’s picture book will need more of a sales letter than a proposal. And some novels still sell without one. But agents and publishers will likely ask you to supply responses to questions concerning most of the sections included in a book proposal anyway. So, it’s super pro to have one at the ready. Why not blow them away with your team-playin’ savoir-faire?

Bestselling thriller author Tosca Lee tells me (that in her experience): “Unless a writer is already famous (and even sometimes still), these days, every fiction author needs a proposal.” As stated above, Elizabeth Gilbert told me on the podcast, which I excerpted for Beautiful Writers, that she wrote a proposal for her latest bestselling novel, City of Girls. So, if it’s good enough for Liz . . .

Can you promise I’ll get published?

As in life, there are no guarantees. I don’t know your destiny—or even mine, although I often get “hits” that come true. When it comes to investing in dreams, we all get scared. To me, it’s scarier not investing in them. Trying to ignore the book(s) whispering, pleading, YELLING in your ears is exhausting, right? How’s that been workin’ for ya?

No one can say yes to your book until you put it out there. And, the excellent news? There’s no such thing as wasted writing time. You always get results. I’ve written large portions of books I haven’t yet shopped (and may never). And yet, they’ve healed me. Brought my family closer together. Made me a much better writer (and teacher!). And given me greater empathy. #Priceless

Will you connect me with a literary agent?
There are approximately 1,000 literary agents in the United States alone. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my clients find the right literary love match. I’m excited to share my best intel on where to find them, how to approach them so that you pique their instant interest, and what questions to ask to make sure you’re choosing the right one. 
Connecting writers (when they’re rock-solid ready) with agents has become a core part of my writing retreat business. I didn’t foresee this, but it made perfect sense. It was 1999, and I’d just helped a writer finish his proposal. As he was leaving my house, he said, “Now what?” Good question! I sent his query to my then-agent and a few others I’d met in my travels, including former book publicist, Arielle Ford (who was then a lit agent). It worked! He signed with Arielle, who sold his book to a publisher within weeks. I was elated. 
Literary matchmaking was the obvious natural extension of my editing/coaching work and has become one of my FAVORITE things about this Book Mama job I’ve created for myself. I’ve never taken a commission (nor will I). The gift, for me, is being part of a true win-win-win. (Hint: I believe agents are praying for you to show up as much as you’re praying for them.) 
If you talk with any good matchmaker, they’ll tell you there’s a LOT of work happening behind the scenes. It takes me hours of prep and follow-up to make a good match. So, while we won’t have time for that here, between the Agent section in Your Big Beautiful Book Plan and the Agent module in this course, you’ll be more than ready to pitch yourself beautifully when the time is right. 
How will I get answers to my questions when I join the course?

You can hop on my LIVE monthly 1-hour teleconference Q & A calls, where I’ll answer your questions directly! All you have to do is submit your question in the member’s site. All audio recordings are available for download.

I hate having to write a book proposal. Can you really make it fun?

Yes! It starts with a mindset shift. Believe me, nearly everyone has this reaction. At first. Proposals feel intimidating and impossible when looked at as a whole. But once we get back to your WHY and break the bigness down to do-able steps, you’ll get excited. You’ll feed off my enthusiasm, too. It’s contagious!

For some freaky reason (dharma, maybe?), I’m obsessed with midwifing these babies. I love how pure and lovely and creative they are. When writing my own proposals, I still get high off the near-instant gratification of finishing a section. I marvel that with every line written, I get the opportunity to show agents and publishers how to sell me and my book, literally writing my future. From the Overview to Chapter Summaries and Sample Chapters, I can see and feel the potential. (Fun fact: Your eventual dream team in publishing will often lift whole sections of your proposal when selling you to publishers, book buyers, media, reviewers, etc. So, you REALLY ARE scripting your success. Cool, right?)

Can I sign up for a one-on-one brainstorming session with Linda, without buying the course?

Sure! Sometimes you’ve just gotta talk—to banter around ideas before committing to writing a proposal.

Maybe you’ve got three, five, even ten books talking to you, and you’ve feeling woozy amidst all that chatter.

Or, perhaps you’re wrestling with storylines, edits, marketing issues, title craziness—and you’re desperate for another pair of eyes to give you the yay or nay. Let’s book it! I’ll sit with your info before we chat, and then we’ll let ‘er rip, potato chip. I LIVE for collaboration. Two heads are infinitely better than one! Total time: 90 minutes (for prep and talk time). Click here to book just the private consult.

That said, the course is FULL of valuable intel that will better help you envision your writing process and career—so, if you can, I highly encourage you to listen to/watch the modules when you’re able.

What's your Privacy Policy?
Your info is sacred. As in, all yours. You’ll find our Privacy Policy here.

“Dear Linda. Thank you so much for your insightful editing of my proposal. Please have anyone call me about your services. I will hands-down rave about you! Who would have thought that adding, deleting, and moving around sentences would make such a big difference? The expertise you brought to the table was incredible! The advice you gave me, honest and invaluable. I’ve met so many first-time and established authors who think their work is ready to be shown when it’s not. Hiring an expert and top-notch editor is a very small investment in the big picture. If an author isn’t willing to make the investment in their writing, why should an agent or publishing house?”

Chrisanna Northrup, author, The Normal Bar: Where Does Your Relationship Fall? (Random House)

The Education of Millionaires“I, like Linda, craft book proposals for others (as well as author my own titles). When I’m too close to my work, I call Linda. In a few short hours with my latest proposal, she zeroed in and suggested edits/additions that radically upped my game. Within days, I’d signed with one of the biggest agents in the industry. Days later, I had a six-figure deal with Penguin’s Portfolio imprint, one of the top business imprints in the country. These results were astonishing to me. I couldn’t be more thrilled or appreciative to have Linda (with her quick instincts, generous heart, and big talent) in my tribe.”

Michael Ellsberg, and author of The Education of Millionaires: It’s Not What You Think and It’s Not Too Late (Portfolio/Penguin)

“Sivertsen has wrangled creativity and she generously sprinkles it over everyone she meets. She’s a true word-trepeneur.”

CARMEL Magazine

If you have the ache, you have what it takes! Let’s get started …

Join Now for $800

You get access to the Book Proposal Magic Course including:

A digital download copy of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan

6 Training Modules

6 Previously recorded Q & A Sessions

Monthly LIVE Q & A Sessions

Loads of Handouts + Helpful Resources


You get access to the Book Proposal Magic Course including:

A digital download copy of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan

6 Training Modules

6 Previously Recorded Q & A Sessions

Monthly LIVE Q & A Sessions

Loads of Handouts + Helpful Resources

PLUS a 90-minute consult with Linda (includes 45 minutes of prep, where she looks at everything you’ve got and researches you and your market + a 45-minute chat, where you talk face to face). Sessions do not expire.

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